A royal castle where evil loomed silently. I was a part of this castle, in some way. I knew that if I found myself in an unwanted area of the castle, I would be devoured by the death that awaits me. I felt it close, as if it, too, was a part of me. I remember thinking to myself, ''The reason why this castle is safe from evil, is because you are stronger than others. Your evil hasn't taken over as the evil of others has accomplished otherwise. This is why this castle belongs to you, and this is why you have to face the little darkness that is left.'' Then the dream changed and tricked me into a night terror. Stuffed animals came alive and everything went to hell. God damn my night terrors, they are a tricky lot. I still love the deep encryptic messages I receive from time to time. That shadow archetype knows how to entertain me. I love it, to death, ironically.
ooo sexc